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Life on Two Wheels - By Abhiram Nair

By 23:16 , , ,

Hello everyone, Abhiram Nair is a friend of mine, a bike enthusiast and a photographer. While I was talking to him one day, he was telling me about his biking experience, and I wanted to share it with all my readers. What is it like to ride a bike? Many people rule it as being supremely dangerous, but what does a biker guy say to that? Read on...

'When in doubt, pick a direction and go.' These might be the words that echo in most riders' minds when it comes to riding... believe me, it helps - every single time.

Riding a bike is purely an art. It's not for the faint hearted. That mechanical rumbling of the engine; the feel of all that power in your hand at the twist of a throttle; that sudden surge of adrenaline and  that pure rush of excitement. All that balanced on two wheels - the feel is simply second to none.

That moment when you are faced with a tough choice in life - something to let go, or just to feel the wind in your hair and breathe the fresh air - nothing proves more helpful than a long ride on your bike. The more you ride, the more solutions you will find to all your unanswered questions.

As we ride, we see everything around us move backward as we are striving forward. This can be related to our problems in life. As we move ahead in life, all our difficulties and sorrows are left behind.

Everyone should go for long ride at least once in their lifetime. Go places. Explore the unknown. Feel the nature. It's not somthing that everyone can do. But it's definitely something everyone should try to do. It's something that you are never going to regret. There are no true riders who left for a ride and came back disappointed. What they will return with is a smile on their face and lots and lots of great memories to remember for a lifetime. Every single time. 

Next time, to everyone out their who haven't rode a bike, never miss a chance to learn to ride one.

Only then will you know why they say, "Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out car windows"! 

Be safe. Ride longer.

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  1. Brilliant work...!! Am proud of you :) Abhiram Nair:)
