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The Swish Technique

By 07:18 , , , ,

As I'd mentioned in my earlier post about the 4 basic human emotions, I wish to share the techniques I learned to control my anxiety disorder. These days, anxiety is a common problem in children as well as adults and seniors. There's nothing to be embarrassed about it because, let's face it, today's world is a stressful place to live in. It is really sad that so many people are suffering from anxiety but so few realise it and worse, even less get professional help to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, anxiety isn't something that can be treated with medication. Very seldom, the medication we get for anxiety basically just reduces your blood pressure, to make you somewhat relaxed. You know the connection -> higher BP = hypertension = anxiety (the general equation).

For people with mild anxiety, it might work. But for others, like me, who suffer serious disorder, in which an attack can last hours and leave you and your loved ones absolutely exhausted, medicines do little if not nothing.

The best medicine I received was one which just put me to sleep. So I'd get a panic attack, freak everyone out, pop the pill before I lose consciousness and slowly fall asleep - painfully (panic attacks are painful!)

There were times when I couldn't sleep even after taking 3 pills. Yes, that's how bad it was for me.

This is the 1st one I learned. It's called the Swish technique, which is one of the hundreds of
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques that Psychologists use to help their patients overcome fear, anxiety and many other problems.

Basically, NLP has everything to do with training our brain to process our thoughts differently. It can be used throughout your life in various situations to bring your emotions under control, and to make yourself better at handling tough situations.

I found these techniques really easy to follow and it helped me take control of my mind really quickly. I was told by my Psychologist that it's not the same for everyone. The experiences may vary with different people. So if you don't get it on your first try, don't worry - just keep trying and you will definitely see results.

Of course, for better results, you should consult a professional. He / she will be able to coach you to bring out the best in you.  :)

How do you do it?

When you  feel anxious (or scared, or anything negative), close your eyes, relax your body and mind. Relax your forehead, eyes, facial muscles, mouth, neck, shoulders, hands, fingers, legs, back, hips, feet, toes, fingers.. You get it - your whole body.

That's a difficult task to accomplish when you're anxious, I know. When you feel like you're heart, mind and body is simply not in your control, it is a really big deal trying to relax.

But, just do it as far as you can go. You can feel a difference just by trying. Trying is the keyword here. As long as you don't give up, you're halfway there.

Concentrate on the parts of your body that are having a reaction to the anxious feeling and once you have identified that, envision the pain in your mind. Imagine it as something physical, with a colour.

Then, use your hands and in one motion, envision yourself pulling the discomfort out of your body. Imagine pulling out the coloured object from the zone of your pain or discomfort. Imagine it leaving your body.

Repeat these, increasing your speed of removing the discomfort with each repetition.

After a few times, open your eyes, have a look around you and take in your present state. Bring yourself back to reality. Take in your surroundings, and the state that you're in. Feel the emotions. Figure out if you are feeling better.

If you feel like you're not completely ok yet, then repeat the same steps.

If you feel like you're ok, then stop the technique and allow yourself to relax.

I've been doing it continuously for a while now, but I'm not getting better. What should I do?

Stop. That's what you should do. Take a break. Try to walk around a bit or, if you feel like crying, cry. 

Don't push yourself too hard. Anxiety is something that gets better over time. Even then, some people never get rid of it 100%. 

With anxiety, you have to be patient with yourself. Accept the fact that it won't disappear overnight. You have to keep working at it regularly and have faith in yourself to truly see a difference in the long run. 

Or else, you will just get better for a while, and then go back to square one the next time you face a challenging situation. 

After taking a break for a while, try the technique again. There are other techniques you can try too, if you don't find this cut out for you. I will be writing about 4 more techniques that I learned in future posts. 

Till then, let me know how you felt after trying this. 

Wishing you guys a healthy mind and body. :)

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