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A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

The Bombing Technique

By 06:00 , ,

So this is the second NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Program) technique I learned, and also one of the easiest. I wrote about the first technique I learned, which was the Swish Technique here. I have also written about the 4 basic human emotions that affect our daily routine. You can read that here :)

Now, the second one is called, as the title of this post suggests, the BOMBING technique.

Yes, this one's as simple as the name suggests. That is, you bomb people / things / situations.. In your head. Live the dream of a terrorist.. In your head.

I repeat, In Your Head.

Meaning, you imagine it. Safe as that :)

Basically, this technique helps you overcome anger towards anyone, anything or any situation which has affected you in the past or is affecting you right now.

As we all know, stress is at an all time high around the globe these days, and Stress leads to Anger.

You find yourself angry at your child, partner, boss, random people on a packed train or bus, cats, dogs, food...the list just goes on. You're basically not happy. You're frustrated and you don't know why, and you have no reasonable avenue to vent your anger when you don't know why you're angry in the first place.

How do you do it?

Say you're angry with your boss, or your parents; just imagine them in front of you.

Imagine a situation you had with them where they really hurt you with their words or actions.

Relive it in your head, and then you throw an imaginary bomb at them. Destroy them! Destroy everything.

Do it as many times as you want, and you can feel the anger slowly dissipating. 

Again, as explained in my article about the Swish technique, do it only for as long as you feel comfortable.

If your anger doesn't seem to be subsiding then stop, take a look around your surroundings, bring yourself and your mind back to reality and then try again. 


1. Don't push yourself too hard. This is supposed to relieve your stress not stress you up even more. 

2. If you've been trying for quite a while, then take a break. Go take a walk and walk it off. 

3. If at first you don't succeed, don't get fed up. Some people may not get it in the first try. So be patient with yourself and try again after a while. 

4. If you're having a lot of difficulty then I suggest you consult a professional who can coach you. That way you can apply this technique better and get better results. 

If you think this is not your thing, then do stay tuned to know about 3 more techniques that I learned. 

They sure helped me get a hold on my anxiety and I can positively say that I'm about 90% free of it now. I hardly ever get emotional or cry. I'm able to make better decisions because my emotions aren't getting in the way. 

Do take note that I am not a professional and I'm only sharing my experiences and what I learned, here. If you feel like you need someone to confide in and seek advice or therapy, and think the psychologist I consulted can help you, do contact me and I'll share his details with you. 

Wish you an anger-free life! 

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