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Simply Citified!

A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

Day 2 of blogging on Blogspot

By 06:26

Well, I just wrote a similar post about blogging on Wordpress in my other blog. So I thought, why not write about this here as well?

With regards to blogging here, I'm not new to bloodspot. In fact I've been blogging since 2007. Not been very disciplined about it till now though. But now I am :)

Day 2 has been pretty simple so far. While thinking of what to post today, I realised that there is a lot of other things I gotta do on this blog alongside writing new posts. So I thought, why not just let my readers know what they can expect from my blog over the next few days?

One thing I had done earlier on (before starting this blog) was choosing a theme for my blog. I'm pretty happy with it, but I would love to hear feedback from my readers, because, after all my readers are the ones who can make or break my dream of having a blogging career.

I've just been super busy over the past few days that I simply could not get a whole chunk of time to sit down with my blog and personalise it to my taste. So I'm taking it slow - one at a time. For now, my top priority is posting at least once a day - on both my blogs. I've just started the other one in Wordpress too.

The thing is, I had a blog earlier, but something went terribly wrong with that blog, which is what led me to create 2 new blogs. In the next few days or maybe longer, I will be shifting posts from my old blog to the new ones. I will be indicating in these posts that they have been shifted from my old blog.

Then, I will be working on the really important pages. I will be a creating an about me section, as well as give more information about me. Right now I'm just an anonymous person writing and I know this is not the best way to connect with my readers. But the girl in the photo you see on my blog really is me.

The layout of this blog has not been set up either. The current layout is what came with the theme. I need to change it, and when I do, I will add an option for following this blog, and also a link to my social media accounts.

And then, of course, there will be more interesting posts, like reviews of different stuff (this is just one example). That will be when I can officially (and finally) say my blog has taken off. Huge success for me. You'll know why as I write more.

I hope you will stay tuned. Have an awesome weekend!

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