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Simply Citified!

A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

Welcome to Simply Citified..

By 05:17

Hello there,

My name is Gayathri and I would like to extend a warm welcome to my blog on a city girl's take on living life simply.

I am a full time freelance writer, and have been blogging for quite some time, but never quite managed to settle into one particular blog or style of blogging. After much thinking and reading, I decided that I wanted the freedom to just spread my wings and write about anything and everything...and that is how I ended up with the name for this blog : Love, Life and News.

You can expect a lot of different types of posts and styles of writing, as I dive in and explore this mystical world of blogging and writing. I hope I can provide a lot of information and musings on many various topics. Did I mention? I would love to hear about your thoughts on my blog and my writing, and you can even suggest topics that you would like to see me write about. I always welcome constructive feedback and criticism 'cuz I believe that can help me improve.. a lot.

One reason why I chose this template for my blog is because I wanted to maintain a neutral blog, that is, something that guys won't find too girlish, and something that girls won't find too girlish.

For now my goal is to write and publish at least one post everyday. Do follow me and come back often to check out what I write about and of course, to comment on my posts.

This blog is still under construction, but I just couldn't wait to get posting. Your understanding is much appreciated and I promise, this blog will be all set up and looking pretty within a few days (hopefully 2).

In the meanwhile, you can check out another blog I just started maintaining over at Wordpress, just for the fun of it. It's all about my writing journey. This is the link: www.journeyofanidea.wordpress.com

See you in my next post. I hope you enjoy your read :)

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