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Simply Citified!

A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.


By 02:36 ,

True friendship is a very special gift that we get ever so rarely. Anyone can be an acquaintance and hang out with you, but true friendship is very different. 

True friendship is when you feel perfectly comfortable with another person knowing you inside out; someone with whom you feel you can share anything and everything, without having to worry about whether he or she will judge you. It's when you can be alone and quiet with another person and not feel awkward in the silence. At least, that's what it is for me...

In my life, I have not experienced that feeling many times. I'm a friendly person and all, but I learned the difference between true friendship and just friendship at a pretty young age. After many years, it is only recently that I met a very special friend. 

Though I'm friendly and can easily make conversation with most people, I am very bad at keeping contacts, for the simple reason that I can't be bothered to call them up randomly and ask them how their life is going. 

I find it pointless, because I truly have no interest to poke my nose into their lives and be updated on their ups and downs. I don't even like to follow celebrity news because of this. I like to be in the know and all, but I really cannot be bothered to follow through for days at a time. As if to emphasise on my laziness in this matter, I also do not like to watch drama series. 

But I'm fair. As much as I don't keep contact with people I make acquaintances with, I also don't expect them to do that with me. If I ever need anything, I'll just call them and get straight to the point rather than make small talk. Some people have found that to be somewhat rude, and after hearing what they say, I feel like it is, after all, not so nice. So recently I've started to change my ways.

Anyway, recently I met someone who shares the same mentality. She's my mother's friend's daughter, who came to Singapore to study at a young age. I've known her for a few years now, but me being me and she being herself, we didn't bother to contact each other often. But ever so rarely, when we did bump into each other in between, we didn't find it difficult or uncomfortable to talk to each other. I only became close to her in the past one year. 

By "close" I don't mean the kind of "close" that girls are when they call someone their best friend. Ours was very discreet, or indifferent. The closeness was felt in the heart; we hardly showed it to the other through actions. Even though we lived in the same house, we didn't talk to or check on each other daily. She did her stuff, I did mine. 

There was a sort of silence that we were both comfortable with. We were close yet distant. We knew the other would be there for us if we really needed them. We didn't take too much liberty with each other, respected each other's private space, etc. But we were close. It's a closeness that cannot be put into words, and can only be understood through experience. 

And that's what brought this friendship to another level. I knew I wanted to keep her as a part of my life for many years to come, for she understood me in a way that I could never make anyone understand by explaining about myself. She saw me from within me, for the person that I truly am. She understood the words I never spoke. I have never felt this comfortable with a friend ever in my life before. 

All I know is that this is not a common feeling. It is not common to find a friendship like this, and I consider myself really lucky to have found it. That is what made me dedicate this post to her. I know she wouldn't want me to mention her name or other details, but when she reads this, she will know that I wrote this for her. 

This is a friendship.. a true one.. a beautiful one.. that I hold close to my heart. 

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  1. Thanks dear... I'm in loss of words :* ~hugs~
