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Simply Citified!

A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014...

By 00:18 , ,

This is it, it's the end of yet another year.

We're saying goodbye to 2013.. forever.

The days, the moments, the feelings that we had experienced in 2013 is never going to return, except  in memories..

Take the good that 2013 came with, learn from the bad, be grateful to God for the year that has passed and pray for the upcoming year. 

While my husband was talking to his friend today, his friend said, "There's no such thing as 'New Year brings good luck'. Luck is in your hands. It depends on how you handle situations, the decisions you make in life and how dedicated you are to your life."

 I found it very true. Although there are situations where we think, "man, that person is just plain lucky", most of the things that happen in our lives are directly related to our decisions and mindset. 

If you choose to always complain about your life, you will hardly find something to appreciate in it. 

If you choose to compare your life to that of others' based on what you only see and not experience in their shoes, then you'll most probably not have time to look into your life and realise your worth. 

Everyone has problems. Most do not show it out, because it's their personal life. Others show it in different ways. Whichever it is, one will not know the true feelings of another in any given situation unless you live in their shoes 24/7/365. 

This is because, many things (such as a person's past, attitude, mindset, feelings, mood, etc.)  can affect a person's reaction to or perception of situations. So it's always best not to judge by comparing. It's never fair...

Then, if you choose to justify your actions, especially when you know it is wrong, then what is the point in making mistakes? In life, we are bound to make mistakes, and when we do, the right thing to do is learn from it - not justify it. 

Learning from mistakes can ensure we don't harbour grudge, animosity or hide things from our conscience. It can also teach us how not to repeat a mistake, thus making us wiser and better at handling situations, resulting in a better, happier and more contented life. 

This is my motto for the upcoming year - "Do not complain, compare or justify. Just give my best in everything I do, and if I make a mistake, learn from it."

I'm looking forward to a great year ahead.. and I wish one and all the same. Happy New Year!

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