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A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

New Year brings Good Cheer

By 21:02 , ,

The New Year has just started and it has brought me a good reason to cheer. Hearing a good news at the beginning of the new year gives us renewed hope for the upcoming year, and that's exactly what it did for me.

I've been a full time freelancer for about one and a half years now and I have to admit, though there were some setbacks because I'm a newbie, I did enjoy the perks it came with.

A few months back, in July 2013, I started working freelance with the national news agency. I learned a lot from writing for them, and I have been chronicling the lessons learnt in my other blog. They were happy with my work and I was getting a decent pay for each story I submitted. 

Somewhere around November 2013, the Editor asked me if I would like to take on the post of a journalist with them.

So I went for the written test in Novemeber and I passed it. Then I went for the interview in December...

And I just got news of it...

I have officially been appointed as a journalist at Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and I'll be starting work later this month.

As much as I enjoy working freelance, I just couldn't let the opportunity pass when the Editor asked me if I would be interested to try out for a full-time position.

So I jumped at the opportunity. What did I have to lose anyway? If I got it, I'd be a full time journalist; if I didn't get it, well, I still enjoyed being a freelancer :)

And here I am now, starting work again after a year and a half. 

The New Year seems to bring a lot of opportunities. I hope the good luck will last throughout the year. I sure would like to wish all of you plenty of happiness, success and good health for the year ahead. Stay happy and stay positive, work smart and allow time for play everyday and we should all have a great year ahead.


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  1. Aww that is fantastic news - congratulations :D

    I'm the opposite at the mo. We couldn't make things work if I went back to work so I am staying home and making a little money from my blog and online store. It's hard work but I think it was the right decision.

    Now following your wonderful blog.

    Louise x

    Confessions of a Secret Shopper
    Lou's Corner
