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Simply Citified!

A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

Random Acts of Kindness

By 22:02

In our busy daily lives, it is easy to overlook the simple acts of kindness we come across or experience. That is why I thought of starting this series called "Random Acts of Kindness", where I plan to chronicle the different acts of kindness, big or small, that I witness or experience in my daily life. 

It's just going to be my way of sharing these happy and simple moments, to remind all of us that there is more to life than just work, party, acquiring money, creating our personal space etc. 

So this is what happened today:

Just a while earlier, my husband and I went down to the coffee shop near our house for a quick breakfast. I wanted to have Red Bean Pau, also known as Tau Sar Pau locally. I believe that's Mandarin. A middle aged Chinese lady was standing in front of us in the queue and she was buying Chwee Kueh. 

Chwee Kueh. We bought 5 of these for $1.50 from Vista Point Kopitiam. 
The dish intrigued my husband and he wanted to try it out as well, so when it was our turn, I tried to communicate with the counter staff in English, and to my dismay, realised that she is not very familiar with English. She was from China and was more fluent in Mandarin than English. 

To my pleasant surprise, the Chinese lady in front of us started helping us out. She said even she, being a Chinese, had difficulty communicating her order to the counter staff. So I told her what I wanted to order, and she translated it to Mandarin for the counter staff. I was so thankful to that lady. 

It may not seem like much, and it is such a simple act, but it made a difference to me and my husband when we were hungry and looking for food.

This is what made me start this series, and I'll be tagging posts like these under "Random Acts of Kindess". I'll pin this tag to the top of my blog so that it'll be easier to view all these posts in one place.

Have you experienced any such acts of kindness? I'm sure you have. If you remember any, feel free to comment below or email them to me, and I might just feature them in this series.

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