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Simply Citified!

A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

Glad to be back

By 02:52

Finally, I'm back.

After about five months of wanting to get back to blogging, I've finally made the decision to start again.

To be honest, I went AWOL cuz I was trying to get accustomed to full time work after being a freelancer for a year and a half. It's also cuz I got to know that the company I'm working for isn't very supportive of employees having their own blogs etc. So I have to be very careful about what I write, and what I say on social media. So, I just didn't want to have any complications cuz of this, while working.

But, I guess I can find a way around it, cuz as much as writing is now my full-time job, I still want the freedom to write what I want, the way I want to. It's not to earn a side income or anything as much as I just want to write about the things I want to write about.

Although I get to write a lot in my job, I feel like there are a lot of restrictions. So, I thought, why not just get back to blogging to make myself happy.

So.. I'm back :)

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