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Simply Citified!

A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

Changes are constant

By 06:56 , ,

When I was a little girl, I could never fall asleep without covering my eyes with a cushion. It was big enough to cover my entire face, but I would adjust it such that it covers only my eyes. I was afraid of the dark and wasn't very comfortable sleeping on my own. And being the first child, I had to sleep on my own from a pretty young age.

I remember thinking that all sorts of monsters and aliens would enter my room at night and I would be invisible to them if I kept my eyes closed. Pretty much like how a cat thinks nobody sees it eating or drinking because it's closes its eyes when eating or drinking.

But no matter how hard I tried, curiosity always had the better of me, and I would take a peak - just to be sure that there weren't any ungodly creatures invading my room when I'm trying to sleep. So, the solution I figured one of those days was to use the cushion to cover my eyes.

I slept like that for many years. We shifted a few houses in that duration and nothing changed. Then we bought a car, and my mom decided she needed back support and took my darling little cushion. We've given the car away but I've not seen my cushion since. Of course we've had many other cushions but somehow none of them were as comfy as the original.

Thankfully. by then I'd outgrown my fear of aliens and monsters and was only afraid of ghosts. So I still had to cover my eyes. With the cushion gone, I resorted to using a blanket instead. At first I used a comforter but it was too hot. Then I traded it with my sisters for another warm but thinner blanky. And immediately grew very attached to it.

But it had an itsy bitsy problem. I had to hold one corner of the blanket up around my face with one hand. That way I covered my ears and eyes but left my nose and mouth out to breathe (smart!). But I'd grown taller over the years and now one leg would stick out. What could I do? I had to choose between my leg and my eyes.. and I chose my eyes.. My leg stuck out like a thermometer gauging the temperature of my surroundings. Now I'm used to it.

It remained like that until the near future. I don't know when it changed, but now I can sleep with or without a blanket or cushion covering my face, and if a ghost ever decided to take the chance to bug me in my sleep, it would really regret life in the afterlife.

This is just a very small example of changes in our daily lives. It is little changes like this that we often miss to realise in life. Most of the time when people say we have changed, they are not referring to big changes, but little changes like this. Most of us are too busy to look within ourselves to identify how we have changed with the times but are the first to step up to another person and accuse them of changing at the slightest bit of change in their habits or behaviour. That's because it's human nature to resist change and it's easier to observe others than observe ourselves.

But that's never a good habit. Firstly because it will create a false sense of confidence that we are better than others. Secondly, a person can never grow unless he/she looks within, realises their own faults and put in a conscious effort to change for the better.

I hope this message with inspire at least one of my readers to search within and become a better person for a better future and a better world. And do share with me your memories of change in your comments to this post :)

Taken from www.gauraw.com

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