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4 Things You Can Do During the CNY Holidays

By 01:06 , , , ,

So it's that time of the year again when the whole country seems to be locked down.

Yes! Everywhere you go most of the shops are closed and you can hear the beats of the lion dance now and then. 

The Chinese are ushering in the year of the goat and the rest of us are having a good long break. 

So, with the shops closed, what else can we do in during the Chinese New Year holidays in Singapore? Well, here are 4 great ideas! 

1. Go shopping! 

That's right. Shops like Cotton on have huge discounts only during this period. We had our hands full shopping at the Cotton On at Causeway Point last year. Maybe you can hit it up this year and see what's on offer. I'm sure other shops will be open too. Have yourself a fun time and go check out random shopping centres these few days.

2. Visit your Chinese friends and learn about their culture 

That'll be nice, won't it? I'm sure there's a lot we don't know about their new year celebrations. You can meet their family, experience their customs, taste their food and have a great new experience. Oh, and don't forget to bring oranges and Ang Bao. 

3. Just relax at home and watch movies with your family. Even better - watch a Chinese movie

Try it. It'll be a change from the Hollywood and Bollywood movies.  There are many awesome Chinese movies you can watch. My favourite are the ones that depict old myths and legends. Don't forget the subtitles. Enjoy! 

4. Explore the Chinese cuisine - in your kitchen

Noodles, Rice, Dumplings... Whatever it may be, just give it a shot. Plenty of recipes to be found online. Worst case scenario - if you can't get all the ingredients, fret not, for there's always cup noodles. 

I hope you guys have an awesome, well-deserved break and may the year of the goat bring you plenty good luck, good health and great fortune! 

Cheers everyone. 

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