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A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

To Celebrate or Not To Celebrate

By 00:21 , ,

Valentine's Day has been quite the deal for a very long time. But recently, people are starting to
question the purpose of Valentine's day and debating on whether it is right to have just one day out of the whole year dedicated to love.

While many people say love should be shown all year round, others still support the notion of having romantic and special plans for the day.

So which is it?

Well, it is a day dedicated to showing love and appreciation but I also agree that love and appreciation should be shown whenever you get the opportunity.

But let's look at this another way. There are many people who harbour special feelings for another person and are too afraid or shy to approach them. This day could be for them.

It is nerve-wrecking when you have to be the one coming out and confessing your feelings for the other person. Rejection is a very difficult condition to handle. And it is the fear of rejection that holds most people back. They rather see the person they love with someone else than approach the person themselves and take a chance.

So I say, this day is all about encouraging these people to take the chance; to take the first step. When you know there's a day coming up when everyone's going to be expressing their love, it makes it ever so slightly easier for you to do so as well.

Let's show someone the appreciation for being courageous enough to open up their feelings. Let's celebrate the fact that there is at least a day dedicated to love. It's there anyway, so you might as well love your heart out. If there's no special someone, make a new friend! Rather than spend our time on the internet debating whether Valentine's day should be scrapped or kept, just grab the day like every other day and enjoy every moment of it.

'Cuz that's how you respect your life, love, time and that of others in your life, even when you're busy living in a hustling bustling little city.

Happy Valentine's everyone!

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