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Free Online Courses!!

By 01:01 , ,

Have you ever thought that education should be free? Are you interested in constantly upgrading yourself and acquiring knowledge but you put it aside because courses are expensive?

Well, if you are, congratulations! You're just like me. :) Oh, and I have just the solution for you.

Some of you might have plenty of courses in your country which you have free access to, but for us in Singapore, it's not that easy. Money rules here and if you ain't got money, you ain't got nothing here. And you'll live a really sorry life.

But here is a link that my father-in-law shared with me. He is very active and constantly on the lookout for learning new things, and he motivates me to do the same. If he was in Singapore, he would definitely be nominated for and win the award for Active Ageing.

So he came across this site called FutureLearn, where you can take online courses from top Universities and cultural institutions FOR FREE. There are 44 partner Universities from the UK, Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. There are 13 categories of courses available and they will all be taught online.


You even get certificates when you complete these courses. All you need to do is just sign up at their website, and join the courses that interest you.

I've already signed up for mine and I'm so excited to start it.

* All visuals are screenshots taken from the FutureLearn website. No copyright infringement intended. 

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