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Simply Citified!

A city girl's take on living life simply and enjoying the things that truly matter to us at the end of the day.

A new perspective

By 00:02 , ,

As someone suffering from anxiety disorder, I am constantly looking for ways to lift my spirits and stay active.

I have my daily routine to keep myself motivated and though it's hard sometimes, once you push through and overcome your fear of anxiety once, it will get easier every day. You just really really need to take the first step.

So as I was floating around the internet today, I came across this great video which I felt like sharing with everyone. As she says in the video, there are many people nowadays who go through anxiety issues and I think the best way to overcome it is when we tackle things (our fears) ourselves.

This video was made by Lauren who runs a YouTube channel called LaurDIY, where she shares all kinds of DIY projects.

Although these DIY projects seem like really small things, it is these small things that can actually make a difference when you have anxiety.

At the end of the video, Lauren shares her story. Check out the video below:

I find that DIY projects are a great way to overcome any negative emotional or psychological issues, as they can divert our minds through creativity. They keep us occupied and, not to mention, the feeling of satisfaction we get with the finished product is truly motivating.

I hope you guys enjoyed her video as much as I did, and if you know of any interesting DIY projects, do share them with me. I am a lover of all things DIY!

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